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Wire Rope Net Clip – CP3-2

Wire Rope Net Clip

Wire Rope Net Clip – CP3-2

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Net Clips were designed specifically for use on steel cables. They are used by the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard to fabricate safety nets and have found wide acceptance whenever wire rope nets are needed. The one size available will accept “cross-over” of 7 x 7 or 7 x 19 construction cable in unjacketed cable diameters of 5/32, 3/16,7/32 and 1/4″. Jacketed cables with outside diameters of 5/32, 3/16, 7/32 and 1/4. Net clips are available in stainless steel, and are a stock item. Order by Part Number.

Planos y especificaciones

* Indica artículo en stock

Requires tool #1-N to install net clips.

Herramientas de instalación

Utilizar con Herramienta de sujeción de redes de cable metálico - #1-N

How To Use the Tool –  #1-N

  1. Place clip in tool with the ears facing up
  2. Cross wires in clip slots
  3. Place top on wire’s aligned with the slots
  4. Set anvil in grove and strike it with a dead blow hammer
  5. Ears will fold over the top (It should look like above image at the top-left)
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