Locoloc® #0-3-SBHS-R 手持器

Locoloc 0-3-SBHS-R Handswager

Locoloc® #0-3-SBHS-R 手持器

Locoloc® 掷骰子游戏
Part Number: #0-3-SBHS-R

Eye and lap sleeve splicing of cables is made sure and easy with this handswager. Easy adjustment.

This tool is an outstanding small handheld tool, and it does a great job of swaging small sleeves.

Usage instructions and swage gauge included in each tool.

To assure proper swaging of Locoloc® aluminum and copper sleeves, we include a Locoloc® “Go/No-Go” gauge with each cable swaging tool free of charge.

Length: 12 inches

下载 a copy of the instruction manual.

我们的 Locoloc® 手动预装工具是在佛罗里达州那不勒斯的工厂生产的。通过从 Loos & Co., Inc. 购买手动预装工具,您将保证获得精心制作的美国制造产品,同时直接支持美国就业和美国制造业。如果您想了解更多有关使用压接工具的信息,请观看我们的压接工具说明视频。



This is a (1) cavity tool, swages sleeve size 3/32″ copper and aluminum sleeves. Ratchet mechanism will not release until swage is complete.


您的 LOCOLOC® Swager 可以为您提供多年的无故障服务。为了获得最佳性能,我们建议

  1. 定期清洁和润滑所有活动部件
  2. 拧紧所有螺栓
  3. 正确调整您的压块