FELCO's® 创新的三角剪可以逐步剪切电缆线,同时避免压扁线股。由于这一特点,在剪切前一般无需捆扎电缆。
Cableware®部门 / FELCO®电缆切割器 / FELCO® C3
FELCO® 电缆剪
Part No. C3
瑞士制造的 FELCO® 切割器以其精密制造和切割能力而享誉全球。重量轻,适合高空切割,强度高,适合水下作业。
Plastic coated handles afford a firm, comfortable grip. All cutters tested before leaving the factory.
Cutting surface of blades is more than 10% harder than the C7 FELCO® Cutter, giving longer service life in heavy use. Length of cutting blades is same as the C7, this will allow user to “capture” cable or wire in cutting motion. Handle opening is only 4.5 inches, giving a very comfortable fit for even the smallest of hands. Softer spring allows easy closure of the tool, vastly reducing repetitive motion stress.
Capacity: 3 mm for high tensile strength wires and tire cords/cables.
Length: 7.5 in./ 190mm
Weight: 9.05 oz / 270g